Friday, March 2, 2012

Digital Droplet Photography Rig BETA 0.9

Digital Droplet Photography Rig BETA 0.9 Video Clips. Duration : 3.00 Mins.

Please view at 720 or 180P for images, text this is my Digital Droplet Photography Rig (DDPR?) this is still beta as its held together whit duct tape and hot glue timing and triggering is controlled by my laptop, code is messy, i have no controller GUI for the computer, or proper mount but it works! the water container is an old oversize pill bottle ... i cut a hole in the cap and wedged it in the block of wood so i can dump the water quickly (will work with water, milk or anything really) solenoid is controlled by a transistor and mosfet combo and provides 13v to the 12V solenoid valve at high speeds the camera is triggered by a transistor that shorts focus+shutter to ground the camera is an nikon D7000 with the standard kit lens on (because my macro needs cleaning), an SB-600 flash with a diffusion dome that combined with the white backdrop creates even color the controller is an arduino because of its ease of use and built in serial to USB connector and expandability all photos and videos are mine ... last few photos were not edited in post because they were out of focus first set were blue died water and the second batch was red died milk making pink all photos, concepts and videos are copyright to me Alyx 'BiOzZ' McCown slow motion video was at 1000 FPS taken down to 30 or so

Keywords: arduino, hack, droplet, shutter, high, spead, video, photography, photo

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